Thursday, July 07, 2005

Egg Cream

I am at work at 8:19 p.m. and desperately craving an egg cream. Apparently, people spend their time theorizing about the origin of the egg cream or about the origin of its curiously innacurate name. If I only had my hands on the proper ingredients, I would make this recipe, or this recipe, or this recipe, or this recipe...


ezruh sellof said...

I spent a good portion of the last week hanging out in a Coffee Shop called the Flying M in Boise, Idaho. On the third night, I taught them how to make an egg cream. The first time I asked for it, the barista gave me a look of pure disgust. I clarified that there was neither egg nor cream in the drink and that it was actually just chocolate milk and seltzer. His look didn't change. For the next three night I had them make me one egg cream a day and they seemed pretty confident in their egg creamin' ability by the time I left.

I feel I've made the world just a little better.

Sarah D. said...

Awesome! My personal favorite recipe for making a homemade egg cream is Rhode Island-inspired: Milk, Autocrat Coffee Syrup, and Sprite in lieu of seltzer.

ezruh sellof said...

whoa...sprite. that dun took it to another level.