- I just received in the mail my very own copy of Live at Noe Valley Ministry and it is pure musical and comedic genius. Her story about people in CA being reviled by a newspaper photo of her with "lactating" breasts (does that mean big? nipply?) is hysterical and exemplifies society's ever-present fear of the female body and its emissions. She also performs some Muses songs, which always makes me happy. "Delicate Cutters" and "Serene" are extra-special highlights.
- She is coming to the Iota Cafe on February 3rd, which is conveniently located near a District of Columbia Metro stop. (Clarendon, to be more precise.) I am SOOO ready for my fourth magical experience watching this woman perform. (Note that Tommy Stinson - of the Replacements and G 'N R fame [hehe] - is playing on the 4th!)
I wonder if you could actually impregnate Kristin via this lovefest, and create a demon blog-entry-baby which will terrorize spellcheck engines from here to the moon's blood-ocean...
Seriously though, I think most normal people have spelled her name at least 64 different ways, and I wonder how she copes. Well, Rhode Island is swarming with shipping families with a genealogy of surname variations, so I bet she thinks her "official" spelling is some postmodern joke...
Hey, if you know anyone interviewing her in the near future, you could always ask about her name-spelling confusion. And if she would like to be impregnated via demon spawn blogger technology...
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