Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Rolling in Harper Lee's Grave

Yesterday I overheard a pubescent boy squeak out the question, "I'm supposed to have a book on hold -- uh, I think it's called How to Kill a Mockingbird?"

Well, I don't think this is exactly the required reading he was looking for, but here's a Flash interpretation of "how to kill a mockingbird."

[NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, I myself haven't viewed said killing, but all internet reviews proclaim that it's hysterical.]


EB said...

I don't want to get all technical on you here, Woonsocket, and perhaps I'm misinterpreting the title of the post, but you do know that Harper Lee is still alive, right?

Sarah D. said...

Uh, yes, of course. That is why there is no subject in the title -- there's just some theoretical rolling going around in her theoretical grave by some theoretical dust mites or worms.

Damn technical history majors.


though literally alive, Harper Lee has been dead to me for years...bravo Ms. D. =)