Monday, June 06, 2005

Hot & Sticky Extraction of Daughters of Sappho

A few random items:

1. The humidity that plagues Washington, D.C. each year is rearing its ugly head. Beer bottles are sweating, children are crying, and I'm ready to die.

2. I went to the dentist this morning and was told to say goodbye to my wisdom teeth. Too bad, cause I'd grown to like my third molars.

3. There's an awesome episode of "All in the Family" on right now about a local election. It's already discussed corporate welfare, women running for political office, and gay & lesbian politics. I miss Meathead and Archie.


ezruh sellof said...

Humidity in DC, eh? Let me describe Portland's weather.

10am-12ish: cold, probably raining.
12-2ish: still cold, probably stopped raining or is just drizzlin'.
2-5isj: The clouds go away or the sun is below the clouds so it's...wait for it...kind of hot. wtf??

My dentist has been telling me to get my wisdom teeth out for a while. Maybe when I have insurance.

Oh lord, won't you buy me an insurance plan...
my friends are under HMOs...
and I need some teeth out bad...

Anonymous said...

Just do what I do.

Step one: Pour water into ice cube tray. Insert into freezer in the morning.

Step two: Come home from work. Take ice cube tray to your bed.

Step three: Remove all clothes and eyewear.

Step four: While completely nude, attempt to melt all ice cubes using only the simmering cascades of your own body.

Step five: Repeat as necessary.

It works! Muggy heat will never irk you again. In fact, you might even look forward to it... The only drawback is that all day at work you'll be fantasizing about a metal ice cube tray.

Sarah D. said...

Mmmm...those metal ice cube trays are hot! But then don't you have to go to sleep in a bed of drenched sheets?

Liquified endive and an ice cube bath -- what more could a girl want?

Unknown said...

Could be worse. You could need to have 14 teeth removed at once (ok, it was 8 one time and 6 a few weeks later). That's not fun. Though the drugs helped.

Emily said...

That one summer - the one where we didn't have a door for like a week - I would put a damp shirt in the freezer for half an hour before bed and then I just slept in that. I'd have to leave my bed unmade every morning though to make sure no mildewy things happened. This differs from usual when common laziness keeps me from doing the same.

Another tip - cold, ICY shower until your teeth chatter and then immediately go to sleep. It might make you feel sick at first. I lived in swampland with no AC at all - I tried everything.

What's this "insurance" stuff people speak of? Is it related to "medical care" in some way? I'm not familiar.


Am I the only one who used to put his sheets in the freezer hours before bedtime??? It still works!

It's like sleeping in the Alps...for 12-13 minutes